Tuesday 27 October 2009

Car Allowances Proposal - A UNISON member responds

Any employer wishing to amend allowances in the way RBC propose should negotiate through the LGA for the change to be made across the board through revision of the Green Book rather than piecemeal unilateral erosion of agreed terms.

I need to use my car so I can deliver equipment to my clients and risk assess it's use at the same time, not some time after the van has made delivery separately to client. The need is therefore related to client risk rather than mileage. If the council will not pay me a realistic rate for the wear and tear of using my car for repeated short urban journeys (the most wearing type of driving on all components of a car) I will have to consider whether to use public transport which will slow down the number of clients I am able to see hugely.

I also feel that we need to look at attacks on public sector workers in context. This year's pay award was (I think) around 1%. Next year politicians are talking about a public sector pay freeze. Pensions commentators are already talking in the media about ending the final salary public pension schemes such as the LGPS. Inflation is also reported to be rising again. Now with the proposed changes to car allowances these wil, taken together, bring about considerable reductions in pay and benefits to an already low-paid sector which is being asked to work harder every year.

Tuesday 20 October 2009

NJC Pay 2010 Consultation Results

162 branches responded to consultation over the three main elements of the pay claim for 2010/11. By overwhelming majorities of 99%, 97% and 98% respectively, UNISON branches have said they want:

· A one year increase

· A £500 flat rate increase or 2.5% - whichever is the greater

· Improvements to conditions to be kept separate from the pay claim.

This would mean a 4.3% increase for those on the lowest scale point (£12 145) and 2.5% for those on scale point 23 (£20,198) and above. Overall, it would mean an approximate 2.8% increase on the pay bill.

NJC Executive Meeting

A Trade Union Side NJC Executive meeting took place on Tuesday, 13 October between UNISON, UNITE and the GMB where our consultation results were discussed and the position of the other trade unions was explored. Whilst we remain committed to delivering a pay claim as early as possible, in line with conference recommendations, the GMB position will not become clear until after their pay consultation meeting on 20 October. UNITE also want to submit the claim as early as possible. It is the continuing aim of all three trade unions within the NJC to submit a joint claim. A joint Trade Union Side meeting will take place on 26 October to finalise the claim. It is likely that a full NJC meeting will also be held with the employers on the same day.

Friday 9 October 2009

Question about Pay Claim


Perhaps I am misunderstanding this but it seems to me that the response is suggesting that lower paid staff (under 20K?) should get bigger annual increases in salary, than other so called ‘higher’ paid staff (20-50K?) purely because they receive a lower salary. The cost of living increases year on year for everyone, we all work just as hard as anyone else. ‘Higher’ paid staff don’t get paid bigger salaries just for the sake of it - there is a reason behind this, and could be because of levels of responsibility, experience, qualifications etc (not denigrating lower paid staff in any way). Therefore I would not be happy to support a move which seems to suggest that as ‘higher’ paid staff get bigger salaries, it is ok not to give them a pay rise they need / deserve.


The current majority view of the branch committee is that there should be research into the accumulative effect percentage increases have on maintaining differentials between salary points. Maintaining differentials are, as you point out, essential in recruiting, retaining and rewarding staff at various levels. However we don't agree that it is productive for these differentials to broaden, or indeed substantially decrease. We fear year on year percentage offers are having a detrimental effect of broadening differentials in real terms, making it harder for scale 1, 2, 3 and 4 members of UNISON to make ends meet, buy a house, run a car, raise a family, have a social life etc. This is acute in areas of the South East. The branch committee agreed that we want to be consistent in asking for the research, which may demonstrate that there are alternatives to percentages plucked from the air.

Thursday 8 October 2009

Fair and Practical Pay

Brendan said in his e-mail that he had very few replies back regarding the NJC 2010/11 pay claim. The reason I (and possibly many others) didnt respond is that I have lost all motivation and hope that my pay will be fair and practical. It seems that no matter what I say or do, I am still likely to loose out and continue to struggle financially. I just want to give up.

(Sent Via Have your Say)

Important Meeting

Joint Trades Union Committee

Urgent Meeting for Union Members

To Discuss Pay and Reward
and the Essential Car User Allowance

Tuesday 20th October: 4pm
Bennet Road Social Club

Wednesday 21st October: 5pm
Meadway Room, The Avenue Centre

Thursday 22nd October: 4pm
Kennet Room, The Civic Centre

Join Us And Have Your Say

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Black Member's Group Network Day

UNISON South-East Region is holding a network day for the Black Member's Group

Saturday 10th October 2009
Brixton (Lambeth) Town Hall
Brixton Hill, SW2 1RW
12pm to 4pm

Speaker: Dr Lez Henry on “Whiteness Made Simple

Venue has disabled access
Expenses for lunch, travel (including any car parking) and dependent care expenses will be met by the RBMG
Call Steve or Mumta on 0845 355 0845 to book your place or crèche facilities!!
Lambeth Town Hall map:
http://maps.google.co.uk/maps f=q&hl=en&geocode=&time=&date=&ttype=&q=SW2+1RW&ie=UTF8&z=16&iwloc=addr&om=1